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How it Works

Please Select your User Type in order to properly assign your account.

User – Looking to Rent or Buy

Agent – Individual Agent Selling/Renting property on behalf of a Landlord or Homeowner. Or an individual Homeowner/landlord selling a property.*

*If you are an individual Homeowner/Landlord listing your property then please select “homeowner” as your position when completing your account profile. Homeowners/Landlords do not get listed under Agents.

Agency – Real Estate Agency listing single or multiple properties as a Property Manager

Developer – Real Estate Developer (builder) listing multiple properties & Lots

Please allow up to 72-hours for review, approval and placement of your Agent, Agency, and/or Developer Account to be listed in our directory.

If you do not want to be listed, then please send us an email indicating as such to

You must have at least one(1) valid property listed on our website for consideration.



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